Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Arooooo! On the ones and twos

Launching my effort for this blog to be a homebase for DJ Humble, there is going to be a spectacular and unimaginably large dance party/night of mayhem this friday in the Will Rice 90s. DJ Humble will be there spinning, chopping and screwing, and playing 80s rock classics like Journey and the Eagles. It should be one of our biggest parties, probably our biggest yet, and we are expecting a prodigious turnout. I don't know if I am going to drink a whole bunch, because I have been feeling the pressure of classes this semester a lot, but I will for sure be partying and bringing the house down with my skribble skillz...

Really excited about this one, for several reasons. Hopefully we can keep the police at bay.

My classes this semester are really math-y mostly becuase I am trying to catch up in the math major. If I am going to graduate with a math major, I have to take three math classes senior year, as well as two asian studies classes (not counting the language classes), and whatever the physics major needs. It's going to be hardcore. This semester is really intense - I have three maths (one is easy, one is cool, one is impossible) and physics as well as phys lab and Chinese. And I don't even have all my distribution credits. Oh no...

I am getting a lot closer to several of my professors (especially Dr. Jones, who is a really cool guy) but I'm worried that I am really just not good enough at math to be trying to major in it. This triple major thing is a real time sucker. I'm going to have to work my ass off this semester. It feels really cool to know that they made calculus of variations just becuase I and some other people had asked for it, though. The class is going to be really neat, and I expect to learn a shitload but hopefully I don't feel stupid the whole time because I have a little bit of background in it and other differential geometry stuff.

Blah blah blah lab is going horribly in that the data I have now is not publishable and I need to look at the (8,8) armchair nanotube instead of the (9,9) if I am going to have any chance of getting good data. I am so sick of this goddamned laser and these goddamned nanotubes. I wish I could just crank up the power by like 10 times. Then I'd have some good data.

Off to work on a math proof homework

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